If there are two things that are my "pet peeves" when it comes to video production they are - Bad sound, and Bad lighting. Today I'm going to talk about the former...sound. And not only that I'm going to give you a quick hack which is in the video below.
First of all, if you want your video content to be taken seriously, good audio is a must. Now I know sometimes you've got a quick thought or want to share something (thru a video) that you've just seen but you don't have time to produce something higher quality. I get that. What I'm really talking about here is those who are producing weekly content via their office or home that represents their brand/name.
Below I talk about an easy way to quickly improve your audio without spending hundreds of dollars on a nice shotgun mic or lav. And you know what, it's something that everyone has.
If you're looking for any video production or video marketing help in or outside the Atlanta area, shoot me an email and I'd be glad to talk with you!